About Our Art Minor

The School of Arts and Humanities and the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences work in tandem to offer a minor in Art Therapy. This burgeoning field draws from the disciplines of psychology, art, and other creative processes to promote healing and overall well-being for individuals with mental and physical disabilities.

Our minor provides you with a foundation for continued study, or for work in community arts programs and organizations where art is used as part of the therapeutic process.

For more information contact Trish Long, Ph.D. at (207) 602-2099 or plong3@rrmbaojie.com.


A student with GPA of at least 2.25 and a major at UNE may minor in Art Therapy with the approval of the Academic Director of the School of Art and Humanities or the School of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Declarations must occur prior to the completion of the first semester of the junior year. Major programs of study with significant course overlap with Art Therapy minor requirements may be disallowed by the Academic Director.

The minor in Art Therapy requires a total of twenty-one (21) credits (twelve (12) from Psychology and nine (9) from the Arts) with a minimum grade of C- in each course.

Program Required CoursesCredits
PSY 105 – Introduction to Psychology3
PSY 205 – Abnormal Psychology3
PSY 410 – Theories, Research, and Practice of Counseling3
PSY 430 – Introduction to Art Therapy3
Total Credits12
Select Three (3) Courses From the FollowingCredits
ART 100 – Drawing I3
ART 101 – Watercolor3
ART 102 – Photography3
ART 103 – Introduction to Image Capture3
ART 104 – Painting I3
ART 105 – Elements of Acting3
ART 106 – Two-Dimensional Design3
ART 110 – Ceramics3
ART 113 – Three-Dimensional Fundamentals3
ART 114 – Printmaking3
ART 118 – Drawing and Design Fundamentals3
ART 124 – The Painted Book3
ART 199 – Topics Courses (any media)3
ART 206 – Expressions in Clay3
ART 214 – Color Digital Photography3
ART 234 – Digital Animation3
MUS 104 – Introduction to Singing Voice3
MUS 150 – African Drumming Ensemble3
Total Credits9
Minimum Total Required Credits21

In the event that the above courses have been taken to fulfill requirements for the Art Education Major or an Art Minor, students will be required to take nine (9) credits from the following options:

Alternate CoursesCredits
ART 102 – Photography3
ART 103 – Introduction to Image Capture3
ART 114 – Printmaking3
ART 199 – Art Topics Course3
ART 204 – Painting II3
ART 214 – Digital Photography3
ART 230 – Graphic Design3